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The National Domestic Violence Hotline The connection between addiction and suicide is complicated. Having a substance use disorder (SUD) greatly increases the risk of suicide, while suicidal thoughts greatly increase the risk of addiction.
The Hotline has highly-trained advocates available 24/7/365 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship. TheHotline.org 800-799-SAFE(7233) VictimsVoice is helping people in unhealthy relationships document the RIGHT information in the RIGHT way to get protection, seek legal justice, and help prosecutors hold abusers accountable. VictimsVoice.app @VictimsVoiceApp (social) Love is Respect provides teens with resources and education on healthy relationships. loveisrespect.org 866-331-9474 RAINN: Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. rainn.org 800-656-HOPE(4673) AlcoholHelp.com provides extensive information regarding alcohol use disorders. The goal is to prevent suicide and educate the public on the relationship between alcohol misuse and mental health. Their guide will further prevent suicide by educating on the relationship between suicide and alcohol misuse. AlcoholHelp.com Casa de Esperanza supports prevention and intervention efforts across the country to end domestic and dating violence with a focus on mobilizing Latinas and Latin@ communities. casadeesperanza.org The Center for Changing Our Campus Culture is a comprehensive online clearinghouse on sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking on college campuses. They build systems, programs, and policies for effective prevention and intervention strategies to address violence against women. changingourcampus.org Voice for Victims - Herman Law represents victims of sexual abuse in civil cases. Their child sexual abuse lawyers have extensive experience advocating for survivors of sexual abuse, exploitation and rape. They are dedicated to helping sex abuse victims by empowering them through the legal process. HermanLaw.com Forge is a national transgender anti-violence organization providing direct services to transgender and gender non-binary survivors of sexual assault. Forge-Forward.org Men Can Stop Rape mobilizes men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women. mcsr.org/home National Center for Victims of Crime’s Stalking Resource Center promotes awareness, action, and advocacy to enhance victim safety, hold stalking offenders accountable, and enhance the ability of professionals, organizations, and systems to effectively respond to stalking. victimsofcrime.org/our-programs/stalking-resource-center National Sexual Violence Resource Center provides leadership in preventing and responding to sexual violence through collaboration, sharing and creating resources, and promoting research. nsvrc.org The Recovery Village To cope with the pain of domestic and sexual abuse, some victims turn to the use of drugs and alcohol. Our mission is to be a support resource for those coping with these issues. Ridgefield Recovery DrugRehab.com is a web resource provided and funded by Advanced Recovery Systems (ARS). Since 2015, the website has provided researched, fact-based resources for free. Learn the risks of various substances, the latest approaches to treatment, and real stories of recovery. DrugRehab.com PAVE (Promoting Awareness | Victim Empowerment) empowers students, parents, and civic leaders to end sexual violence and works to prevent sexual assault and heal survivors through advocacy, prevention education, and survivor support. www.shatteringthesilence.org RehabSpot.com is an organization that provides reliable resources for people affected by domestic violence and addiction. This free web guide is a resource for people who are looking to take the next step and learn more about recovery. Their objective is to ensure health and wellness within the community. RehabSpot.com EduMed.org connects students with expert-driven information about education, training, and financial aid opportunities in healthcare and medical support. Here is a link to their "Preventing Sexual Assault in College: Student Support & Safety Guide". SouthJerseyRecovery.com is a free web resource that provides information about addiction, eating disorders, and mental health issues. Personality disorders can make many parts of day-to-day life difficult, so some people turn to substances as a way to cope with these difficulties. For some, this may be a way to cover feelings of emptiness or social isolation. For others, it may be a way to heighten thrill-seeking behaviors, impulsivity, and swings of anger. https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/resources/domestic-violence Illinois Recovery Center aims to eliminate drug and alcohol abuse by treating clients with substance abuse and related mental health issues with the highest quality care, in an individual multifaceted way to improve the success of recovery and reduce the incidence of readmission. www.illinoisrecoverycenter.com/about-us/ Alcohol Rehab Guide Alcohol and domestic abuse are frequently paired. However, while alcohol is often involved in issues of intimate partner violence it is never the sole reason behind it. The Alcohol Rehab Guide provides a free web guide that includes valuable resources and a directory of treatment providers to help individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. AlcoholRehabGuide.org AddictionCenter.com The connection between addiction and suicide is complicated, as having a substance use disorder (SUD) greatly increases the risk of suicide, while suicidal thoughts greatly increase the risk of addiction. AddictionCenter.com is a free online guide that educates people about mental health and the relationship between suicide and substance abuse. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 suicidepreventionlifeline.org More Great Advice Veterans and older adults often face unique challenges in accessing treatment that addresses their specific needs. The following resources provide invaluable support for visitors seeking compassionate, trauma-informed care. Some additional resources could be valuable, especially for those seeking support for specialized concerns related to addiction, mental health, and trauma. These include support for veterans, mental health and PTSD treatment, understanding addiction’s link with suicide, and resources addressing the correlation between substance abuse and domestic violence. NOTE: Each link below provides targeted insights and guidance that could be beneficial for those facing challenges: